We long for our beds, even yearn to lie in them with hopes of drifting off into a restful sleep at the end of a busy day. It does not always go as planned though, does it? An unhealthy lifestyle and less-than-ideal sleeping conditions may negatively affect the quality of our night rest. This is where the notion of “clean sleeping” kicks in. It is a movement that evolved in recent years to fix sleeping habits and improve quality of sleep, with positive changes on overall health and wellbeing. Not sleeping well or enough is detrimental to the functioning of the metabolism, as well as our hormones. It may lead us to develop poor eating habits and to gain weight. We may experience brain fog, become irritable and have mood swings, not to mention develop depression. As our immune system weakens, our body becomes prone to viral and bacterial infections, heart disease and diabetes. Furthermore, our skin and hair benefit immensely from adequate amounts of quality sleep and suffer greatly, when deprived. Sleeping Beauty ought to know!


Common sense tells us the first rule for sleep hygiene must be to stay away from phones, iPads and TV screens at least an hour before going to sleep. The airplane mode should be turned on and Wi-Fi connection turned off. The room where the person sleeps should be completely dark because our bodies produce the sleep hormone, melatonin best in pitch darkness. Being active during the day and exercising tires the body into drifting off easily. Bedding is important so get some Egyptian cotton sheets if you can. Cooling sheets are now available for those who sweat at night. Having covered the basics, now let’s take a look at paving the way to waking up rested and refreshed. If all else fails, there’s always a hot bath and a “dreamy” book to rely on!




This is a rather rhetorical question, considering we do need to “Zen” to a certain extent because getting better quality sleep is largely dependent on creating a decluttered, serene environment where the body and mind are able to relax enough to surrender to sleep. How far you go with it and whether you obsess about it á la Marie Kondo- the tidying specialist is entirely up to you. You should at least aspire to create a tidy, calm and welcoming space.


Make sure your bedroom is well-ventilated and reserve it for sleep only or for relaxing activities such as reading and listening to music that’s soft and mellow. Avoid bringing your screens in there. Keeping a notepad by your bedside helps when you are bombarded with an array of thoughts that prevent you from sleeping. Jot them down quickly, “hand” them over to the notebook and leave it at that. A lavender pillow spray may help you fall asleep faster and a sleep mask covering your eyes will provide the darkness you need for uninterrupted sleep. Much like light, noise pollution can be an issue. Invest in a sound machine that produces “white noise” to block disruptive noise coming from your surroundings.

“Late night snacking is not on the checklist for a good night’s rest but there are some nutritious options you can indulge in.”

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