In order to live a healthy life, the human body must meet its natural protein requirements. A certain level of amino acids is required, particularly for the production of enzymes that allow cellular reactions to occur. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.

While the body can produce some amino acids, others must be obtained from outside sources. Collagen is an amino acid-containing protein that decreases with age. Collagen is found in the structure of many tissues and organs in the human body, including bone, skin, muscle, hair, and nails; it accounts for the majority of protein in the body.

A decrease in the amount of collagen in the body has a variety of negative consequences. Reduced collagen levels caused by aging and environmental factors have visible effects that can be seen with the naked eye. You can learn more about the subject by reviewing our blog article titled "Factors that cause the reduction of the amount of collagen in the body” that we published in the previous months.

Here's a snippet from the blog article titled "Factors that cause the reduction of the amount of collagen in the body".


The benefits of collagen to human health have been known since ancient times. For centuries, people have produced and consumed collagen by preparing bone broth to protect bone and joint health. Today, collagen is used to have a healthier life, more beautiful skin, and a fit body. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It plays a big role in issues such as skin elasticity, hair strength, and joint health. It also renews the tissues in the skin, bones, and joints by supporting other amino acids that our body needs. It also improves intracellular communication and ensures the synthesis and regulation of collagen fibers. Thus, it strengthens the tissue structures in the body.


Need for natural protein and collagen supplement

The amount of protein consumed daily should be distributed in a balanced manner based on the number of meals consumed during the day. Protein consumption varies according to weight and level of physical activity. Protein is required by the human body, and excess protein is stored as fat. As a result, experts should monitor daily protein intake as part of personalized programs.